Using Hyperterminal with BUFFALO

Hyperterminal is a communication software program that comes with Windows NT and Windows 95/98.  It can be used as a terminal window for interacting with BUFFALO on your 68HC11 module.

Configuring HyperTerminal.

  1. Locate the HyperTerminal software program in the Windows menu system.

  2. It is under .
  3. You will need to set up the com port configuration.
    1. Go to the HyperTerminal properties setup. 
    2. Click on the Connect To tab. 
    3. Make the appropriate "CONNECT USING" selection (eg. Direct to COM2).
    4. Click on the CONFIGURE button, and select "9600, 8, None, 1, and None" for the settings; then click OK.
    5. If you expect to be loading code into EEPROM, you'll need a 10 ms delay.  Click on the SETTINGS tab.
    6. Click on the ASCII Setup button.
    7. Enter 10 milliseconds for the Character delay, and click OK.